Our History

Having learned of a couple who wanted a good Bible preaching church in their area, Ricky and Cindy Davis and family traveled up from Georgia in September of 1997 to survey the Plainfield area. The purpose was to see if there was indeed a need for such a church. Throughout the time spent in Plainfield, both Rick and Cindy knew that God was indeed calling them to Connecticut to start Open Bible Baptist Church.

March 21, 1998 found them headed north to found the Church. The first services were held on April 11,1998 at the Atwood Fire Hose Station in Wauregan, CT. However, soon the Lord led us to rent two rooms at Quinebaug Valley Family and Children’s Services building in the fall of that year.

In April 1999, at our first anniversary service, we held our Charter service. God was very good to us and sent many people our way. We began to grow into the rooms. God was working within the Church in ways we could not even comprehend. There was a building that had been up for sale for several years, the Brooklyn Grange. We knew it was basically impossible for our little Church to acquire it, but we had Faith that nothing was impossible for God. We approached the Grange members and proposed a “rent/option to buy” deal. To our surpise they agreed! “But with God all things are possible”

On March 8 we held our first service at our new facilities. What a joy! Now came many months of cleaning, painting, praying, working with town official, all to be able to permanently have Open Bible at this location.

God moved once again and allowed the Town to welcome us, He allowed our little group to raise over $7,000 of the closing cost, and sent us $15,000 in the last few days so we could go to closing. He has provided the funds for chairs, ramp, nice sign, and driveway, as well as many other needs.

In 1998, God established Open Bible Baptist Church as a lighthouse to this area. By God’s grace we pray that it will remain so for many decades to come.