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Our Beliefs
- That the Bible is the word of God, Divinely inspired, infallible and eternal.
- That God is one, yet a Trinity, existing eternally as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
- That Jesus Christ is God; His virgin birth, His sinless life, substitutionary death, and bodily resurrection.
- That Satan is a real, live personal being.
- That through Adam’s sin, as the representative head of the human race, all men are sinners in need of a Savior.
- Salvation by grace, through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
- In baptism by believers only, by immersion only.
- In Godly, separated living for all who are saved.
- In the eternal blessedness of the saved and the eternal punishment of the unsaved.
- That a scriptural church is a local, independent, self-supporting assembly of regenerated, baptized believers joined together in fellowship, mutual edification and fulfilling of the Great Commission.
- In the second coming of Jesus Christ coming is both imminent and personal.