Our Pastor

Pastor P. M. James

Pastor James was raised in a Christian family and when he was 5 years old, went to a summer VBS where he received salvation. Later in life, however, he had no clear memory of this event taking place. This plagued him for many years, to the point where he started to experience doubts concerning his salvation. When Pastor James attended his first year of college at Bob Jones University, he was able to work through those doubts and through God’s word received assurance of his salvation. One summer while he was attending his home church he was baptized through immersion.

Pastor James attended Bob Jones University where he received his B. A. in Practical Christian Training, and later moved to Rhode Island Baptist Seminary where he received his Master’s in Ministry.

Pastor James and his wife Beth were members at Historic Baptist Church when they got the call to come candidate at Open Bible Baptist Church where through prayer on behalf of both of them and the Pastoral committee we welcomed Pastor James on February 19th, 2023 as our permanent Pastor

While Pastor James works continually at Open Bible Baptist Church, he also works a secular job which allows him to also share God’s word with his co-workers.